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Precision Ranching Dashboard

The Precision Ranching Dashboard is designed to manage data from a suite of monitoring devices (specifically: real-time data tipping bucket rain gauges, GPS collars, and ultrasonic water level sensors) in a single interface for whole-ranch monitoring.

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Genetic Research Fact Sheet

Raramuri Criollo are a heritage cattle biotype from the Copper Canyon of Chihuahua, Mexico and have undergone natural selection to adapt to a harsh and variable environment. Early genetic testing suggests they are distinct from other Criollo biotypes and conventional beef breeds. Scientists are exploring the use of heritage cattle genetics to meet both beef production and conservation goals on grazing lands.

Are You This Cow’s Herd?

This lesson increases students’ science literacy and introduces them to NGSS science and engineering practices and crosscutting concepts through an agricultural lens. The lesson also aligns with Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and English Language Arts. On this project, research scientists, education specialists, and extension professionals are working together to research and promote sustainability in raising cattle in the southwest. One research focus is a heritage breed of cattle called Raramuri Criollo (räh-räh-mur-ē krē-ō-yō), upon whose distinct traits this lesson was built.